Hanwha completed its winning series by winning two days in a row over SSG. In a situation where he was dragged, he succeeded in turning it […]
‘Challenge for 10 Consecutive wins’ KIA’Southbound Train Jamsil Singing Along
Professional baseball KIA’s bat is scary. They succeeded in winning 9 games in a row for the first time in 10 years, and the average […]
Its There is a reason Ryu Hyun-jin pitches for a long time in MLB
Ryu Hyun-jin started the away game against the Major League Baseball (MLB) Oakland Athletics held at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, California on the 7th […]
Ha Jun-ho, ‘Only the third ball that fits my body’
LG scored 14 hits and won 11-4 in the game against KT held at Suwon KT Wiz Park on the 7th. 1st place LG avenged […]